Welcome to ...

Alresford Methodist Church

Our Sunday Worship Service starts at 10.30am

Alresford Methodist Church is located in the heart of town. Why not drop in one Sunday morning? Our services include a time of worship, prayer and a short talk. Tending to last around an hour, the services are followed by a chance to grab a coffee/tea and chat.

You will be made very welcome.


Weekly Service Sheets

Streamed Services

Recorded Services

Available Here

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:34-35

LATEST - select a Headline for more info.

Memory Café - news update!

Now anyone who would benefit from a regular afternoon of social interaction is welcome to attend (usually meeting on the first Monday of each month).

World Day of Prayer 2025

A service for everyone! Join us, in the Methodist Church at 2pm on Friday 7th March, to hear the thoughts of women from all parts of the world: their hopes, concerns and prayers.

Diary Dates 2025

Advance notice of upcoming events at AMC, later this year


View our February 2025 Newsletter

Friendship Groups

Several Groups meet regularly, some in church and some in homes. They include ...

    Bible Study
    Women's Fellowship
    Memory Café
    Lydia - ladies "get-together"
    Bacon Butties Café

Community Groups

We are pleased to be able to offer suitable facilities, which enable the following local groups to meet on our premises:

Alresford Senior Citizens Lunch Club

1st Alresford Rainbows

Alresford History And Literary Society




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