Welcome to ...

Alresford Methodist Church

Our Sunday Worship Service starts at 10.30am

Alresford Methodist Church is located in the heart of town. Why not drop in one Sunday morning? Our services include a time of worship, prayer and a short talk. Tending to last around an hour, the services are followed by a chance to grab a coffee/tea and chat.

You will be made very welcome.


Weekly Service Sheets

Streamed Services

Recorded Services

Available Here

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5,8

Latest Items

Season's Greetings

From all everyone at Alresford Methodist Church

Help is at hand!

We now have a defibrillator on the wall outside our church

Friendship Groups

Several Groups meet regularly, some in church and some in homes. They include ...

    Bible Study
    Women's Fellowship
    Memory Café
    Lydia - ladies "get-together"
    Bacon Butties Café

Community Groups

We are pleased to be able to offer suitable facilities, which enable the following local groups to meet on our premises:

Alresford Senior Citizens Lunch Club

1st Alresford Rainbows

Alresford History And Literary Society




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