Churches Together In Alresford (CTIA)





Alresford Methodist Church was one of the founder members of Churches Together In Alresford (CTIA). A covenant to "make visible the common mission of our Churches to the people of Alresford" was first entered into by the participating churches in 1991 and updated at a joint service on 19th January 2019.


CTIA currently comprises:


CTIA organises and supports a number of events during the year including:

  • Good Friday Walk of Witness followed by coffee and hot cross buns in the community centre.
  • Lent groups.
  • Carol singing both in the town and at some of the sheltered housing in the town.
  • Occassionall weekends away.
  • Fund raising and social events to support a charity which we choose every two years.
  • A Boxing Day Walk.
  • Collecting for Christian Aid.
  • Thy Kingdom Come
  • Support for children’s summer holiday club.
  • Participating in Rotary Internationals annual shoe box appeal.
  • Alresford Basics Bank.
  • We started support for Christians Against Poverty (CAP) in late 2018.




Wednesday 25th December
9:30am -
Tuesday 31st December
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