Our Memory Café was initially set up with the specific purpose of supporting those suffering memory loss and their carers. However, due to recent funding cuts, we have unfortunately lost the support of ‘Andover Mind’.
Several people have approached us to enquire if they too might attend our café, as they would really welcome an additional social opportunity in their calendar. So, after some thought, we have decided to widen our remit to welcome anyone who would benefit from an afternoon of social interaction. If you would like to join us, you will find a warm welcome awaiting you.
This month we will be celebrating an ‘OUR PETS’ theme together. Come along and join with us at 2pm on Monday 3rd March for an afternoon of fun, activities, fellowship, homemade cake and lots of tea – all for a cost of £2!
If you would like more information, or would like to attend, please contact us on: 07711066116.